Crime Concerns

Please provide your full home postcode in the box below. This will help us see if we have a fair response across the area and help look at results by district or town area.
Please ensure that you have answered this question
Is crime a problem in your area?
Please ensure that you have answered this question

Crime Concerns

1) Is the concern linked to one or more of the following? (Select up to 3 that apply)
Please select at least one option
2) Is your concern about crime linked to something else? Please tell us the nature of that concern.
3) Is it occurring on certain days of the week more than others?
Which day(s) of the week are the issues occurring?
Please choose the relevant option(s) from the list
4) Is it occurring at certain times?
What time(s) are the issues occurring?
Please choose the relevant option(s) from the list
5) Please show on the below map where this occurs:
To provide a location, click and hold on the red pin on the map below and "drag" it to the approximate location you associate with this issue. If the issue is further away you can drag to the edge of the map and it will move, or use the zoom tools to see a wider area. Alternatively, enter the area in the box below and click "search" to reset the map to that area. Please be assured that your answers are stored securely in a government accredited system and can only be viewed by authorised administrators.

Survey complete

Thank you for completing the survey.