Confidence survey

Leicestershire Police understands the issues that concern my local community?
Please select an answer
Leicestershire Police understands the issues that concern my local community?
Leicestershire Police are dealing with the issues that concern my local community?
Please select an answer
Leicestershire Police are dealing with the issues that concern my local community?
I feel that Leicestershire Police keep me informed about the things that matter to me?
Please select an answer
I feel that Leicestershire Police keep me informed about the things that matter to me?

For the next question, please would you consider the area within a 15 minute walk of your home.

How safe do you feel in your local area?
Please select an answer
How safe do you feel in your local area?
To what extent do you agree or disagree that the police in your local area can be trusted?
To what extent do you agree or disagree that the police in your local area can be trusted?
Taking everything into account, how good a job do you feel Leicestershire Police are doing in your local area?
Please select an answer
Taking everything into account, how good a job do you feel Leicestershire Police are doing in your local area?
Why do you say that? Please do not use this question to report crime of incidents. To report crime or incidents go to :
Why do you say that?

Thank you for completing the survey.